The Problem
Cornerstone Chemical reached out to IFM about some problems they identified on their lube oil reports for a couple of cooling tower fan gearboxes. These units had been showing high contamination, water PPM, and had been experiencing past mechanical issues.
Our team discovered that the unit only had one drain/fill line which made filtration impossible while the system was running. We also noticed that the lube oil console was susceptible to contamination ingression as the gearbox was not sealed properly.
Our Solution
- In order to address the contamination issue, IFM controlled the quality of air entering the gearbox by mounting a desiccant breather
- A new column style oil level indicator was installed to allow operators to easily monitor oil levels.
- A dedicated drain line was added to all for kidney loop filtration during system operation.
- A 5GPM filter cart was supplied in order to remove particulate and water during operation.
Our team was given three days to drain, flush, modify, and filter fill new oil on two units.